
How YaMusic’s Piano Lessons Unlock Your Child’s Inner Musical Genius!

Edmonton Piano Lessons
Discover how YaMusic’s piano lessons can unlock your child's potential and nurture creativity, confidence, and academic success through a fun, holistic music education.

Whether your child aspires to be the next Glenn Gould or prefers to play Chopsticks at home, one thing’s for sure – a melody of benefits awaits when they dive into music education.

Piano Training for Children
Piano Lessons for Children

Laura Lewis Brown writes in an article from PBS that the brain of a musician, even a young one, works differently than that of a non-musician. “There’s some good neuroscience research showing that children involved in music have a greater growth in neural activity than people not in music training. When you’re a musician and you’re playing an instrument, you have to be using more of your brain,” says Dr. Eric Rasmussen, chair of the Early Childhood Music Department at the Peabody Preparatory of Johns Hopkins University.

We’re Melanie and Jillian, proud members of the Yamaha group since 2007. Along with various musical instrument instructors, we’re thrilled to teach Piano, Guitar, and Ukulele at YaMusic in Edmonton, which is based on the Yamaha Music Education System (YMES).

Yamaha has this awesome philosophy that music education is about way more than just playing notes. They take a holistic approach, focusing on the whole child. It’s about helping children express their creativity, build discipline, and lay the foundation for crushing it in school too.

Since 1966, Yamaha has been a musical force in Canada, with about 10,000 students across 50 locations. That’s a lot of musical magic happening!

Yamaha’s curriculum is awesome! It’s a structured 10-year program tailored for children from age 2 to 15, i.e., from preschool until high school. Think about it. Children at this age are like sponges. They soak up everything they hear. So we expose them to all sorts of music – listening, singing, playing – developing their musical aptitude.

The methods and materials are designed to match each developmental stage perfectly. Creativity and expression are core Yamaha values. Children learn to let their imaginations run wild through performance and composition.

At YaMusic, we believe improvising and composing are key, so we tutor comprehensive piano training. Children get top-notch ear training through group singing, solfege, music appreciation, and jamming on the keyboard together. They’re able to develop an incredible sense of rhythm and pulse through body movement, singing, and playing as a group. Basically, they’re getting all the tools and lessons to create their own music and play by ear.

Studies like “Longitudinal Analysis of Music Education on Executive Functions in Primary School Children” by Artur C. Jaschke (Clinical Neuropsychology), Henkjan Honing (Music Therapy), and Erik J. A. Scherder (Music Cognition Group), published in Frontiers Media have found that structured music lessons significantly enhance children’s cognitive abilities – including language-based reasoning, literacy abilities, short-term memory, planning and inhibition, math, pattern recognition, and aural skills – leading to improved academic performance.

Why Choose YaMusic Piano Lessons?

Enrolling your child in YaMusic Group Piano Classes offers much more than just music lessons. You’re providing a fun, engaging environment where they’ll:

  1. Build a strong appreciation and love for music
  2. Boost their confidence through performances and the joy of achievement
  3. Master teamwork and ensemble skills crucial for their musical journey
  4. Develop consistent practice habits and stay motivated with the help of their peers
  5. Unlock their potential and explore new interests that will enrich their lives forever
Edmonton Piano Training

And the benefits go way beyond music. YaMusic’s piano teachers nurture their personality, self-expression, communication skills, and creativity, laying down a rock-solid foundation for academic success as well. These’re all life skills that’ll help them ace their SATs and nail that job interview years down the line.

Some unique things about Yamaha’s approach are the group learning environment, parent involvement in classes, super comprehensive musical training, and age-appropriate methods. These aren’t average piano lessons, that’s for sure.

In the long run, Yamaha gives your child a serious advantage. They develop diverse musical skills, prep for future musical adventures, and enhance their academic abilities too. It’s a total package.

Yamaha has a global network of education centers in over 40 countries. Over 6 million students have learned the Yamaha way over 60 years. All the programs are developed with the Yamaha Music Foundation in Japan, so you know they’re legit. And there are even opportunities for cultural exchange and growth. How awesome is that?

So yeah, here at YaMusic, we are pretty much the gold standard in piano training near you in Edmonton. Children don’t just learn an instrument – they develop confidence, discipline, creativity, and a lifelong love of music. And the academic advantages are the cherry on top.

If you’re thinking about music lessons for your child, be it group, private, short, or summer camps, you’ve gotta check out YaMusic’s programs. Trust me, it’s your child’s ticket to a brighter, more harmonious future!

Let’s get in touch!

Call us: 780-447-0088
Contact us: Form for class information and pricing details.

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