
Why Most Kids Quit Music, But Not at YaMusic – The Secret Behind Our Music School

Music School in Edmonton
Is your child resisting music practice? Discover how Ya Music School can make learning music fun, build consistency, and instill the lasting benefits of music lessons.

As a parent, you know the ups and downs of getting your child to learn something new. Whether it’s eating healthy food, studying, playing outside, going to music school, or something else, it feels like a battle. Tears, tantrums, meltdowns, whining, boredom, pushback – what not? You know the drill.

But at the end of the day, it’s all worth the effort. Each activity has its own benefits, teaches something new, or enhances your child’s creativity. It’s the same with learning music or playing an instrument.

Have you ever wondered why music takes away our stress?

It’s because music is an experience – something that connects the heart and the head.

Music isn’t just an intellectual process; it’s composed from the heart, which is why it resonates so deeply with us. It connects with listeners on an intimate level, often in ways they don’t even realize. Some call it the mood, the vibe, or the rhythm… it’s just heart-to-heart!

The key to learning music is the will. If your child has the will, trust me, the rest is manageable with patience.

We’ve helped hundreds of children in our Edmonton Music School stick to their musical journey, and here’s what we’ve learned along the way.

Consistency: Regular Music Lessons Shapes Young Musicians

Setting up a practice routine is like planting seeds – it might not seem like much at first, but give it time, and you’ll see incredible growth.

Piano Lessons in Edmonton

The best way to learn piano is to get your child to practice every day, even for just a little bit, which works wonders. A daily practice routine builds muscle memory, sharpens skills, and keeps progress moving. At first, it may feel like you’re getting nowhere, but you know what?

The improvement is real. Even 15-20 minutes a day adds up. Before you know it, your child will play tunes that once seemed impossible. 

It’s like what happens with scientists. They might spend years working on a discovery, but when it happens, they realize how simple it was all along. At Ya Music School, we offer structured programs that make it easier to keep that momentum going.

Overcoming Practice Resistance: The Struggle is Real

I know what you’re thinking: “Easier said than done, right?”

Getting children to practice piano lessons isn’t always fun. They resist, get frustrated, or flat-out refuse. Children push back against things that feel hard or boring. Trust me, I get it. Most children are resistant to practice, and it’s totally normal.

But here’s a trick we’ve learned – make it fun!

That way, they’ll at least look forward to learn piano (or tolerate it) 😂

We turn practice into a game. Set up challenges or offer small rewards for effort, not perfection. Some parents use practice time as a way to earn screen time. Whatever works!

At Ya Music School, we break music lessons into manageable chunks. Try setting a timer for 10-15 minutes of focused practice, then take a break. Sometimes in piano classes, we do studio-wide practice challenges that students can participate in. It makes a world of difference!

Celebrate Every Little Win: Motivate Your Child’s Musical Journey

Progress is progress, so remember to cheer for the small wins. One of the best ways to keep children motivated is to set achievable goals and celebrate every little win.

  • Learned a new note? High five!
  • Nailed that tricky section in a song? Earned a gold star sticker!
  • Played a scale without mistakes? That’s worth a joyful dance!
  • Practiced every day this week? That’s worth celebrating too!

Small victories keep them engaged and build confidence. Set achievable goals with your children – maybe playing for Grandma on her birthday. Having something to work toward makes practice feel more purposeful.

At Ya Music Classes, we do regular recitals and performances, giving children a chance to show off what they’ve learned and feel a sense of accomplishment.

The Long-Term Benefits of Music Education: Why It Matters

Learning to play the piano isn’t just about becoming the next Mozart (though that’d be cool) 😎

Music Classes

It’s about so much more! Learning music can shape your brain.

A study in the Journal of Neuroscience, “A Little Goes a Long Way: How the Adult Brain Is Shaped by Musical Training in Childhood – Erika Skoe and Nina Kraus” found that children who received musical training had more robust brainstem responses to sound than peers who didn’t. It improves executive function, which helps in both school and everyday life.

When your child pushes through tough practice sessions, they’re building discipline, patience, and problem-solving skills – traits that last a lifetime.

At Ya Music School, our great piano instructors make practice fun, so you know you’re investing in more than just a hobby – you’re giving your child tools for life.

The Role of Parents in Supporting Musical Education

Music Lessons for Kids

Your support means the world to your budding musician.

Music teachers can provide expertise in the music academy, but it’s only parents who can give day-to-day encouragement. In group piano training, parents learn with their child so they can guide their practice at home by creating a cozy practice space, showing interest in what they’re learning, and being their biggest cheerleader!

The Importance of Finding the Right Music Instructors

A competent teacher can spark a love for music that lasts a lifetime. They know how to motivate and inspire. They connect with your child and figure out what works best for their learning style. This makes a huge difference when it comes to sticking with an instrument.

Piano Teachers

At Ya Music School, we focus not only on qualifications but also on finding piano teachers who can truly connect with children.

Building a Lifelong Love for Music

Start small, grow big – remember, we’re in this for the long haul.

Children need to get through the tough parts of learning. Many musicians will tell you that their early struggles made them better in the long run. If your child can push past the frustration, they might just end up loving music for life.

To truly embrace music is to embrace life itself. When children learn to play, they’re adding a little more beauty to the world – a little more rhythm, a little more melody. Music lets them express their creativity in a way that words sometimes can’t.

Music does exactly that – it connects people. Children who play often develop better social skills and emotional awareness. They learn to express themselves in ways that go beyond words. It’s not about becoming a pro, but about nurturing a skill that brings joy, creativity, and connection with others.

So there you have it, parents. The musical journey may have its bumps, but it’s so worth it. You’re giving your child a gift that’ll last a lifetime. Keep encouraging your little musician – both on and off the instrument. Who knows?

You might be nurturing the next Mozart or Beyoncé!

And if you’re Googling for a private piano lessons or music school near me in Edmonton for your child, check out YaMusic’s piano lessons for kids.

Trust me, it’s your child’s ticket to a musical journey they will never forget!

Let’s get in touch!

Call us: 780-447-0088


Contact us: Form for class information and pricing details.

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