REGISTRATION AND PAYMENTS: The terms covered by the registration agreement will be considered in effect upon YaMusic receiving payment for the holding of a class placement. Informing an instructor or the administration of intent to register
without complete registration and payment will not hold a student’s placement. Payment of the registration fee plus materials (if applicable) must be received to hold your spot. Full Payment includes annual registration fee, tuition fees and
materials (if applicable). Any outstanding payments from the previous year must be paid in order to register. Lessons cannot start until registration is complete. Payments can be sent through e-transfer to or can be paid using a credit card directly from the invoice. Monthly payments must be made before or on the 1st of each month starting from time of registration. Should payment not be received by this time, a late fee of 4.9% will incur.

NSF OR DECLINED PAYMENTS: A $20.00 NSF fee is applied to a student account for each NSF declined payment. Lessons will stop upon our being notified of an NSF declined payment and will not resume until the account is brought up to date. Three consecutive NSF declined payments will result in YaMusic suspending the account until account is brought up to date. The account will then be reactivated.

LATE PAYMENTS: If payment is not received by the 14th day of the month, lessons will be suspended until payment is received. If payments are later than 14 days for 3 consecutive months, the client may be asked to pay in full for the rest of the year in order to continue lessons.

REGISTRATION FEES: A registration fee is payable once per academic year per student. The academic year is from September 1- June 30. Registration fees are non-refundable once the student has begun the course. The $75.00 Registration Fee will be withheld for students who register but do not begin the course. The registration fee is refunded in full if YaMusic cancel the course.


GROUP COMMITMENT: Group classes are a full year commitment. There is an 8-week trial period for the following courses: JMC1, YMC1. During this time, students can withdraw without any further commitment. Once the trial period has ended,
students are committed to the course for the remainder of its duration. Six month courses (Music Wonderland) have a trial period of 4 weeks. Second-year classes and above do not have a trial period. Once classes begin, students are committed for the duration of the course. Short courses do not qualify for a trial period

LESSON LENGTH FOR SMALL GROUP CLASSES: YaMusic reserves the right to adjust the length of lesson time at any point in the year should the size of the group class decrease as follows:
3 Student group 45-minute Lesson
2 Student group 30-minute lesson

FLEX PASS AND SHORT COURSES: These lessons must be paid in full at the time of registration. Trial packages are to be used in 4 consecutive weeks and cannot be rescheduled. Flex passes can be booked 48 hours – 1 week in advance, but once scheduled cannot be changed.


GROUP LESSONS: Homework assignments are made available to parents and students for lessons missed by the student. Extra help sessions may be scheduled at the instructor’s discretion and will be charged based on the private lesson fees. There will be no refund for any group lesson missed by the student. If an instructor needs to cancel a group lesson, the first course of action will be for the instructor to try to arrange a substitute teacher. If this cannot be arranged, the instructor will offer a makeup lesson. If a makeup class cannot be arranged, a lesson credit will be applied to the client’s account to be used towards lessons in the next term. If a student does not re-register for the course, a refund will be issued. If a student is unable to attend the makeup lesson for any reason, the lesson is forfeit and a refund will not be issued.

PRIVATE LESSONS: Private lessons cancelled by the student are NOT eligible for a makeup lesson or a refund. If a student is unable to attend an in-person lesson, they may request an online lesson instead at the regular day/time. In order to receive an online lesson, the student must notify the school or teacher 12 hours before the scheduled lesson. Makeup credits are issued only if the school or instructor cancels the lesson. Makeup lessons are to be scheduled during the same school year that they were accumulated and will not roll over into the following year. If there is a credit remaining at the end of the year, the amount will be used towards next term’s lessons.

Make Up Weeks: These have been scheduled into the school year

November 8th-14th and June 23rd-30th. During this time, your teacher will schedule any makeups that are owed during your regular scheduled time. If no make up lessons are owed, this week is considered a break as you have not been charged for these lessons.

SICK POLICY: If a student is ill, they must stay home and not attend their lesson. Private students may request an online lesson instead (see “Missed Private Lessons” for details). Group students will receive the homework for the class and may schedule a phone call with the teacher to discuss the assignments. If an instructor feels that a student is too ill to attend the lesson, the instructor reserves the right to refuse to teach the lesson. A refund/makeup credit will not be issued for the lesson. If an instructor is ill, he/she will do their best to schedule an online lesson at the regular day/ time instead. If this is unable to be arranged, a makeup lesson will be scheduled at another day/time agreed upon by the student and instructor. If the student is unable to attend the scheduled makeup lesson for any reason, the lesson is forfeit and a refund will not be issued.

NON-TRANSFERABLE: Once a student is registered in a group class or private lessons, the spot is reserved for that student only and is non-transferable. Sharing time between siblings will be up to the teacher’s discretion.


WITHDRAWAL: In order to withdraw from private lessons, written notice must be received four weeks prior to the date of lesson termination. Written notice may be given using the YaMusic Withdrawal Form, by email sent to The 4-lesson period commences upon receipt of the Withdrawal Form. Tuition must be paid for the duration of the 4-lesson period whether lessons are attended or not. Informing an instructor of intent to withdraw, or not attending classes, does not constitute withdrawal from lessons.

MAKEUP CREDITS AND REFUNDS: The School will process all missed lesson credits at the end of the school year and apply them to registration for the following school year. Should the student decide to not continue for the following year, a refund will be issued.

CANCELLATION OF INSTRUCTION: YaMusic reserves the right to cancel any course or level of instruction, to change an instructor of any lesson, or to close the school at any time without notice or liability other than to refund tuition fees received for lessons cancelled due to such withdrawal or closure.

10 MINUTE WAITING POLICY: If a student is late to their private lesson, the lesson will still end at the regularly scheduled time. If a student is over 10 minutes late to class without giving notice, the instructor will assume the student will be absent and is not obligated to remain in the school or wait at their computer. It is not the responsibility of the instructor to remind students of lessons.

TRANSFER: A $20.00 transfer fee is charged to students transferring to a new lesson/day/time/ instructor after September 30th.

LESSONS START DATE: YaMusic reserves the right to determine the start date for group classes. Start dates may be postponed if enrolment is not sufficient to form a group.


ANNUAL CONCERT FEE: A concert fee is part of the annual registration fee for private lesson and group course students, except students in Apple Course or Music Wonderland. There is no tuition credit or refund of the concert fee if the student does not attend the concert or terminates lessons.

ADDITIONAL FEES: YaMusic does not provide sheet music or books for students outside of group classes. If music is required for a lesson, it is up to the student or student’s family to purchase the required material and bring it to class. Examinations and all other festivals, competitions and payment for accompanist are also the responsibility of the student or student’s family.

SUSPENSION: YaMusic reserves the right to suspend students for non-payment of tuition or inappropriate conduct. We expect all students, parents, and teachers to treat each other with respect and consideration.

RESULTS OF MUSIC EXAMINATIONS, ASSESSMENTS AND/OR COMPETITIONS: There are no refunds or credits for fees paid for music examinations, assessments and/or competitions, or for tuition paid for lessons that may include preparation for music examinations, assessments and/ or competitions where any party deems the results of said music examination, assessment and/ or competitions unsatisfactory. Students and/or parents are encouraged to fully discuss the requirements and expectations of music examinations, assessments and/or competitions with their instructor in advance of submitting an application.

PERSONAL PROPERTY: YaMusic does not assume any responsibility for personal property (including but not limited to clothing, cameras, cell phones, laptops, tablets, purses, wallets, vehicles etc.) lost, damaged or left unattended on school premises, in common areas and the parking areas allocated for the school.

PHOTOGRAPH & AUDIO/VIDEO RELEASE: I hereby grant YaMusic permission to use my name and/or my child’s/children’s names (if applicable), and to use, reproduce, edit, exhibit, project, display, and publish my image, likeness, and sound of my voice, as captured by YaMusic on photographic and/or audio and/or video equipment, without any payment or other consideration.

I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the Policies of YaMusic.